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Awareness: How Anthony de Mello's Book Can Transform Your Life

Awareness: The Key to Happiness and Freedom by Anthony de Mello

Have you ever wondered why you are unhappy, dissatisfied, or restless? Do you feel like you are living in a state of illusion, deception, or self-delusion? Do you want to break free from the chains of your conditioning, expectations, and attachments? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might benefit from reading Awareness, a book by Anthony de Mello that offers a radical and transformative approach to living.

awareness anthony de mello ebook

In this article, we will explore what awareness is and why it is essential for happiness and freedom. We will also introduce you to Anthony de Mello, a spiritual teacher and author who challenged conventional wisdom and religion with his provocative and enlightening message. We will then summarize the main themes and insights of his book, and show you how you can apply them to your life. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of yourself and your reality, and hopefully, a greater desire to awaken from your slumber.

Who is Anthony de Mello and what is his message?

Anthony de Mello was born in India in 1931. He was a Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, and spiritual director who founded the Sadhana Institute of Pastoral Counseling in Pune, India. He was also a prolific writer and speaker who traveled around the world to share his wisdom and insights with people from different backgrounds and faiths.

De Mello's message was simple but profound: most people are asleep, unaware of their true nature and potential. They are trapped in a web of illusions, attachments, fears, and desires that prevent them from seeing reality as it is. They are conditioned by their culture, society, religion, family, and education to believe in certain things that may not be true or helpful. They are addicted to their ego, their self-image, their opinions, and their emotions. They are unhappy because they do not know who they are or what they want.

The only way out of this predicament is to become aware. Awareness means being alert, attentive, conscious, and awake. It means seeing things as they are, not as we wish them to be. It means being free from our judgments, prejudices, expectations, and preferences. It means being open to the present moment, without clinging to the past or worrying about the future. It means being in touch with our inner wisdom, our intuition, our spirit.

Awareness is not something that can be taught or learned. It is something that has to be discovered within oneself. It is a gift that we already have but have forgotten or ignored. It is a state of being that we can access at any time if we are willing to let go of our attachments and illusions. Awareness is the key to happiness and freedom because it allows us to experience life fully, joyfully, and peacefully.

What are the main themes and insights of the book?

Awareness is a collection of transcripts from de Mello's lectures and workshops that he gave in various countries. The book covers a wide range of topics related to awareness, such as love, happiness, fear, anger, suffering, death, God, religion, spirituality, enlightenment, meditation, and more. The book is divided into four parts:

  • Part One: The Master Speaks - This part contains some of de Mello's most powerful and provocative statements that challenge our assumptions and beliefs about ourselves and reality.

  • Part Two: The Master Instructs - This part contains some of de Mello's practical advice and exercises that help us to develop and deepen our awareness.

  • Part Three: The Master Clarifies - This part contains some of de Mello's answers to common questions and objections that people have about his teachings.

  • Part Four: The Master Warns - This part contains some of de Mello's warnings and cautions that we need to be aware of when we embark on the journey of awareness.

Some of the main themes and insights of the book are:

  • We are not what we think we are. We are much more than our body, mind, emotions, personality, roles, and labels. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

  • We are not in control of anything. We cannot control our thoughts, feelings, actions, reactions, or outcomes. We can only control our awareness and our response to what happens.

  • We are not responsible for anyone else's happiness or unhappiness. We can only be responsible for our own happiness or unhappiness. We cannot make anyone happy or unhappy, nor can anyone make us happy or unhappy. Happiness and unhappiness are states of mind that depend on our awareness.

  • We do not need anything or anyone to be happy. Happiness is not dependent on external factors such as possessions, relationships, achievements, or circumstances. Happiness is an inner state of being that arises from awareness.

  • We do not love anyone or anything. We only love our idea of them. We do not see people or things as they are, but as we want them to be. We project our expectations, desires, and fears onto them. We attach ourselves to them and suffer when they change or leave us.

  • We do not know what is good or bad for us. We judge things based on our limited and biased perspective. We do not see the bigger picture or the hidden meaning behind events. We do not trust the intelligence and benevolence of life.

  • We do not need to change anything or anyone. We only need to change our perception of them. We do not need to fix, improve, or correct anything or anyone. We only need to accept, understand, and appreciate them.

  • We do not need to do anything to be aware. We only need to stop doing what prevents us from being aware. We do not need to add anything to ourselves. We only need to subtract what is not ourselves.

How can you apply the book's teachings to your life?

The book's teachings are not meant to be taken as dogmas or doctrines, but as pointers and invitations to explore your own awareness. The book does not give you any answers or solutions, but rather questions and challenges that stimulate your curiosity and creativity. The book does not tell you what to do or how to live, but rather encourages you to discover your own way of being and living.

Therefore, the best way to apply the book's teachings to your life is to experiment with them yourself. Try them out and see what happens. Observe your thoughts, feelings, actions, and reactions without judgment or attachment. Notice how you relate to yourself, others, and the world around you. Be open to new experiences and perspectives that may surprise you or contradict you.

Some of the exercises that de Mello suggests in the book are:

  • Wake up every morning and say to yourself: "I am going to be alert today."

  • Throughout the day, ask yourself: "What am I experiencing right now?"

  • Whenever you feel a negative emotion such as anger, fear, sadness, or guilt, ask yourself: "What is the cause of this emotion? Is it something outside me or inside me?"

  • Whenever you encounter a problem or a conflict, ask yourself: "What is my expectation in this situation? Is it realistic or unrealistic? Is it helpful or harmful?"

  • Whenever you feel attached to something or someone, ask yourself: "What am I really looking for in this thing or person? Is it something that I already have within me?"

  • Whenever you feel bored or restless, ask yourself: "What am I avoiding in this moment? What am I afraid of facing?"

  • Whenever you feel confused or doubtful, ask yourself: "What is my intuition telling me? What is my inner voice saying?"

  • Whenever you feel inspired or joyful, ask yourself: "What is the source of this feeling? How can I share it with others?"

By doing these exercises regularly, you will gradually increase your awareness and improve your quality of life. You will also develop a deeper connection with yourself and others, and a greater appreciation for life itself.

In this article, we have explored what awareness is and why it is essential for happiness and freedom. We have also introduced you to Anthony de Mello, a spiritual teacher and author who challenged conventional wisdom and religion with his provocative and enlightening message. We have then summarized the main themes and insights of his book Awareness, and showed you how you can apply them to your life.

We hope that this article has inspired you to read the book and to embark on your own journey of awareness. Remember that awareness is not something that you can acquire or achieve, but something that you can uncover and awaken within yourself. It is a gift that you already have, but may have forgotten or ignored. It is a state of being that you can access at any time if you are willing to let go of your attachments and illusions.

Awareness is the key to happiness and freedom because it allows you to experience life fully, joyfully, and peacefully. It also enables you to connect with your true self, your inner wisdom, your spirit. It helps you to see reality as it is, not as you wish it to be. It frees you from your conditioning, expectations, and fears. It empowers you to live authentically, creatively, and lovingly.

So what are you waiting for? Wake up and become aware!

FAQs: Five common questions and answers about the book

  • What is the difference between awareness and mindfulness?

Awareness and mindfulness are often used interchangeably, but they are not exactly the same. Mindfulness is a form of awareness that focuses on paying attention to the present moment with curiosity and openness. Awareness is a broader term that encompasses mindfulness, but also includes other aspects such as intuition, insight, wisdom, and spirituality.

  • Is awareness compatible with religion?

Awareness is not opposed to religion, but rather transcends it. Awareness does not deny or reject any religion, but rather questions and challenges its assumptions and dogmas. Awareness does not belong to any religion, but rather embraces all religions as expressions of the same truth. Awareness does not depend on any religion, but rather finds its source within oneself.

  • How can I practice awareness in my daily life?

You can practice awareness in your daily life by being alert, attentive, conscious, and awake in every situation. You can practice awareness by observing your thoughts, feelings, actions, and reactions without judgment or attachment. You can practice awareness by being open to the present moment, without clinging to the past or worrying about the future. You can practice awareness by being in touch with your inner wisdom, your intuition, your spirit.

  • What are the benefits of awareness?

The benefits of awareness are manifold. Awareness can help you to:

  • Improve your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health

  • Enhance your creativity, productivity, and performance

  • Increase your happiness, satisfaction, and fulfillment

  • Reduce your stress, anxiety, and depression

  • Resolve your problems, conflicts, and challenges

  • Strengthen your relationships, communication, and empathy

  • Expand your perspective, understanding, and compassion

  • Discover your purpose, passion, and potential

  • Where can I find more information about Anthony de Mello and his teachings?

You can find more information about Anthony de Mello and his teachings on his official website: There you can find his books, videos, audios, articles, quotes, and more. You can also join his online community of followers and fans who share their experiences and insights about his teachings.



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